星期六同mpp係數碼港睇左蝙蝠俠 - 黑夜之神, 小妹一向覺得batman係男仔戲, 所以對呢套並無太大期望.
上次除夕晚去數碼港睇戲, 真係大把位任你坐!! 但上星期六晚, 全間戲院簡直虛陷... 散埸時都幾壯觀gar, 十居其九都往同一方向攞車, 當中仲有唔少靚車就咁拍係路邊tim...
講番套戲, 唔知點解, 梗係覺得主角batman個樣奸奸地, 唔夠正氣! 對佢既感覺麻麻地, 但當batman架戰車變為一架電單車後, 小妹又突然覺得batman都幾ok喎, 有d亦正亦邪feel, 都幾型!! 哈哈....

查實小妹覺得, 呢套戲既主角唔係batman, 而係小丑!! 佢真係做到入型入格, 好鬼變態, 令小妹打哂冷震............ 演技非常出色!!

而值得一提係香港既景色, 雖然鏡頭唔多, 但拍得香港勁靚, 簡直係香港人既驕傲! 唯一唔好既..... 並唔係Edison只出現短短幾秒, 而係套戲拍得香港d警察唔係好smart, 有d stupid feel lor....... >.<
the last 2 batman movie sucks.....hope this one ok lar.....will only buy copy to watch this kind of movie......
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/01/2008 17:51:00]Frankly speaking, I'm not very interesting in Batman movie, just always think that spiderman is much better than Batman.... Anyway, I will watch any movie if my mpp like to watch, hahaha....
BTW, some movie is worth to go theater, coz the sound effect is totally differnt when compared with the disc, but of coz I'm agree that you can buy the disc for this Batman movie
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/07/2008 12:31:00]係啦, 唯一驚喜係拍得香港勁覯!!
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