舊同學PHILIP上年同女友訂左婚, 啱啱收到通知佢地會係九月舉行結婚, 可惜小妹去唔到, 因為舊同學身處美國!
佢地send左個e-mail比我, 原來佢地兩公婆好有心思咁做左個wedding web-site! 入面好details咁寫出婚禮地點同時間, 又有佢地訂婚既相片, 更有Seattle天氣, 叫d賓客注意九月Seattle既天氣, 真係好細心!
小妹睇完佢地個web-site, 真係好好好好感動呀!!! 因為入面仲有詳述佢地兩個相識既經過.... (小妹忍唔住copy左出黎, 相信PHILIP仔唔會介意.... 哈哈~~)
How we met
Twelve years ago, 2 complete strangers met each other at a church through the young lady's grandmother. She was planning to move from Tacoma to Seattle for college and he was the lucky one to be chosen to help her gather information. With his help, she settled down and started her new life in Seattle. Since then, they got to know each other and started doing many things together. They went to college together. They went to church together, and finally, they are now going to walk the path for the rest of their life together.
神既力量真係好大, 佢地兩個認識, 就係由間教會開始... 而我同mpp, 雖然唔係0係教會認識, 不過, 我地都算係0係幾特別情況下相識.... 所以小妹深信亦係神既安排, 真真感謝主!!
"Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
以上咁有意思既經文, 又係copy佢地個web-site!!! 中文內容如下: (小妹又係時候要思想一下自己... )
歌 林 多 前 書 (13章4至8節)
13:4 | 愛是恆久忍耐、又有恩慈.愛是不嫉妒.愛是不自誇.不張狂. |
13:5 | 不作害羞的事.不求自己的益處.不輕易發怒.不計算人的惡. |
13:6 | 不喜歡不義.只喜歡真理. |
13:7 | 凡事包容.凡事相信.凡事盼望.凡事忍耐。 |
13:8 | 愛是永不止息.先知講道之能、終必歸於無有.說方言之能、終必停止、知識也終必歸於無有。 |
web-site入面緊係有不能缺小既留言板... 而小妹當然好有禮貌咁留左言比佢地啦~~

讀書時, 小妹同PHILIP仔都算幾friend, 佢係一個好sweet既好男仔!! 讀書年代.....嘩))))) 一轉眼已經係N年前既事......
上年PHILIP仔返香港時, 咁啱小妹又出左trip唔係香港, 我地只係傾過電話.... 唯有等佢下次有機會返黎香港時, 補番食佢食飯!!
Cora and Philip, 祝白頭到老, 永結同心, 仲有快d生個可愛BB出黎 (要好似爸爸咁有個可愛心型咀, 哈哈)